偶然間從YouTube跳出一個推薦新的MV,完全陌生的歌手,但是出演該MV的卻是頗受歡迎的前足球運動員退役的明星Terry Crews。對於他最早的印象是搞笑電影《小姐好白/White Chicks》裏頭的富豪肌肉大老黑,他的喜感讓一些明顯甚至略下流性暗示的劇情感覺不那麼討厭,甚至會噗哧一笑。然後從某個表揚頒獎典禮上知道他是一位慈善家,然後他是美國知名選秀節目的主持人。
這位女歌手Brittany Howard,2012年以樂團出道,身兼樂手和主唱,出過兩張專輯,也搞過獨立樂團,和其他知名音樂人巡迴擔任樂手…2019七月才正式推出個人專輯,這首單曲《Stay High》也立刻被推爆。民謠曲風混著靈魂唱腔,歌詞雖有些性暗示(因為歌詞:I just want to stay high with you)…不過也敘述了某些底層生活裡樂天的一面。請來被稱為全美最搞笑大叔和最好的居家男人Terry演出MV很有說服力,劇情就是他從工作的地方下班,開車去超市買菜,然後一路開回家。很平實,但是看了好感動,無法不推薦一番。嗯,注意看的話你會發現歌手自己也在MV中尬了一角喔!
I already feel like doing it again, honey 親愛的,我準備好再來一次
'Cause once you know, then you know 這一回,你知道的
And you don't wanna go 你不會想離開
Back to wherever it is that you come from, yeah 回到你來的地方
I just want to stay high with you 我只想和你持續幸福開心
'Cause where I come from 我來自於一個
Everybody frowns and walks around 每個人皺眉原地踏步
With that ugly thing on their face 臉上盡是髒汙的地方
And where I come from 我來自於一個
We work hard and grind and hustle all day 整天費力被壓迫刻苦工作的地方
(Yes, we do)
There comes a time, there comes a time 總有些時候
At night, where we get to play 我們晚上能找些樂子
And we smile and laugh and jump and clap 我們歡笑跳上跳下和鼓掌
And yell and holler and just feel great 尖叫發牢騷也覺得很棒
I just want to stay high with you 我只想和你一直幸福開心
(With you, with you) 只和你
So, don't question my state of mind 別質疑我的想法
I'm doing wonderful, just fine, thank you 我很好,謝囉
(Thank you)
Everything is everything and everything is beautiful 每件事都美好
(How did you get like that?) (你是如何做到的呢?)
See all I do is keep it cool 你知道的我只是很平靜
and don't worry 'bout what everyone is doing 也不管他人做了甚麼
I already feel like doing it again, honey 只是準備好再和你來一回
I just want to stay high 讓彼此覺得幸福
I just want to stay high
I just want to stay high with you